1129 m MSL
Legends about Radhošť
Radhošť was long associated with worshipping the pagan god of hospitality, fertility and harvest – Radegast. According to legend, this god of the sun, war and victory lived upon this holy mountain, and people would bring gifts from near and far in his honour.

Cyril and Methodius
At the end of spring the ancient Slavs would celebrate the summer solstice on Radhošť. At night they would light bonfires, dance and sing. Pagan customs survived into Christian times, flourishing despite the legend that Cyril and Methodius had sought to destroy the idol and replace it with a cross. Radegast was apparently saved by a pagan priest and smuggled underground.

The mountain is riddled with pseudokarst and sandstone caves, some up to several hundred metres long.
Another legend relates that these caves were so spacious, that it was still possible at the beginning of the previous century to ride a cart and horses through them from Pustevny up to Radhošť. The numerous rocky crevices and underground caves gave rise to visions of fantastic creatures. The most famous cave is a fissure cave called Volařka, and lies on the slope of the ridge about 200 metres south of the peak on the path to Rožnov pod Radhoštěm. This vertical hole is 2 m wide and 3 m deep.

On the very summit of Radhošť you’ll find a cross dating from 1805, the St Cyril and St Methodius Chapel from 1896–1898, the statue-group of the missionaries by the sculptor Albín Polášek from 1931, and a TV mast. The chapel is the highest church above sea level in the country. Inside the chapel is a bronze plaque commemorating the visit of President T. G. Masaryk on 23 June 1928.
Starting in the 1960s, a pilgrimage has been regularly held (5–6 July) to celebrate Cyril and Methodius’ arrival. Several thousand people take part.
Since 1955, Radhošť has been declared a national nature reserve.